news from Allianz Trade

Tips to help you do business safely

To help you succeed in business, we wrote a large number of tips & advice for you. Would you like to receive our tips automatically? Then subscribe to the Allianz Trade Magazine.

To grow your business. That's what almost every entrepreneur wants. But how do you do it? And how do you make sure your business grows safely and responsibly? You can read about it on this section.
You firmly believe in your plans. So strongly, in fact, that you are prepared to take financial risks to do so. That makes you an enterprising manager. But smart management also involves seeking protection against (unnecessary) financial risks. We are happy to help you with this.
Debtors are those customers who have yet to pay you. Practice shows that non-payment is less common if you have tight debtor management. In this article, we will explain how you can have a successful debtor management.
Corporate fraud (also known as business fraud) can affect your business in many ways. It can come from outside, or from within. From theft to fake invoices, from cybercrime to CEO fraud. In this section: how can you prevent business fraud?